COVID-19 PROTOCOLS & Return to Play Protocol

Our return to programming includes strict adherence to the policies and guidance from the Ontario Government. We are guided by the recommendations by the governing hockey organizations in Ontario and the guidelines and procedures for facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities. We will adhere to the Ontario government guidelines and orders pertaining to group sizes and the modification of sports to comply with health precautions.

Each participant must review our policies and procedures and acknowledge its contents to indicate that participants will adhere to our procedures. It will also indicate that there is an understanding of their obligations for disclosing any COVID-19 symptoms or risks and their acceptance of risk by participating in the program. By signing our agreement, we will have a clear record that participants are aware of and understand our policies and there is also a clear record for attendance and contact tracing if necessary.

We will adhere to the applicable provincial, regional and local public health guidelines regarding our capacity for group programming. There are protocols for both on-ice sessions and off-ice procedures. Details are outlined and may be particular to each facility and/or each region in which case we will provide each client with specific instructions via email correspondence.

return to sport coordinator
Owner, Tara McKay

Responsible to liaise with the facility, responsible for all communication and education to members as it relates to COVID-19, and immediately notify the Town and/or facility if a person in their club who participated in practice on Town property has tested positive for COVID-19. Ensure all participants complete daily COVID-19 screening requirements of all participants (i.e., players, staff, volunteers, spectators) and take attendance for all activities in the event where contact tracing is required. On-Line screening tool is provided by Tara McKat High Performance Skating Inc.


The structure for our group programming will be within the applicable provincial, regional and local public health guidelines regarding allowable capacity:

  • Group sizes will not be within the allowable amounts and we will adjust according to public health guidelines. Group size will be communicated to both facilities and participants and will be outlined in each program description.
  • Programming will adhere to the provincially mandated phased restrictions and framework for sports and recreation with regards to the modified play rules. The level of participation, competition, training will be clearly communicated to all participants and facilities
  • For example, depending on which phase we are placed in when the program occurs the particular program will have clearly defined rules with regards to training and/or competition activities.
  • Players must bring their own clearly labelled water bottled placed separate from others.
  • Players must be aware of the physical distancing and adhere to the marked areas in the dressing rooms and arena entrances and exit areas.
  • Masks are mandatory within the facility and in dressing rooms. Masks may be removed only when leaving the dressing room to enter ice surface to participate in hockey activities.
  • If taking a break between drills and when taking water breaks, player must adhere to physical distancing, this will be facilitated by placement of water bottles 6 feet part at bench.
  • Players must enter and leave ice surface and facility with physical distancing.
  • Players must arrive partially dressed and only enter the facility 15 minutes prior to assigned ice time. Players must exit within 15 minutes of end of ice time.
  • If dressing room usage is allowed by facility: Dressing room use includes physical distancing as outlined by the facility markings. Players must stay in dressing room until assigned ice time and leave within 15 minutes of assigned ice time by directly exiting the facility.
  • Physical distancing must be maintained when exiting and entering the facility and there must be strict adherence to the arenas enter/exit locations.
  • There will be no use of public washrooms unless the facility allows. Washrooms in dressing rooms may be used. There will be no showers unless facility allows.
  • No parents or spectators are allowed in facility unless otherwise specified. Each program and facility will vary in this area and Tara will outline this within in each program and communication this to parents and players in advance.

Further information regarding the use of masks:

In support of the Region’s medical health officer’s instructions to businesses and organizations regarding Mandatory Use of Face Masks, all Sport Clubs to wear face masks/coverings while entering indoor Community Centres, especially in situations where physical distancing is not possible (i.e. Arena Dressing rooms). The following are exempted from wearing masks or face coverings: The Person is compromised by wearing a face covering because of a medical condition, The Person is a child under five (5) years of age, The Person is unable to place or remove a face covering without assistance or The Person requires accommodation under the Ontario Human Rights Code.  Face masks and coverings may be removed temporarily for the following purposes: The Person is consuming food or drink, The Person requires to remove the face mask or coverings for any emergency or medical purpose, The Person is actively engaging in an athletic or fitness activity including water-based activities.


Here is some general guidance and helpful tips to help prevent the spread of germs:

  • Maintain physical distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet) or more between persons, including instructors and players.
  • When unable to distance, mask must be worn.
  • Promote good hygiene such as: Wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with greater than 60% alcohol content) at the beginning and end of the session.
  • Sneeze and cough into your sleeve. If you use a tissue, discard immediately and wash your hands afterward.
  • Practice regular cleaning and disinfection of equipment and clothing.
  • Minimize contact with people who are sick. Stay home if you are sick.
  • If you have symptoms or you think you were exposed to COVID-19, notify your instructor or parent immediately, complete the self-assessment and follow the instructions you get.



These procedures are subject to change based on the most up to date guidance from Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health.

I, the undersigned acknowledge and agree that I have:

  • Read and understood this memorandum.
  • Understood that participation in the activities contemplated in this memorandum cannot be guaranteed to be free from risk.

The undersigned agrees to abide by these procedures and to disclose any facts indicating any higher than usual risk of having been exposed to or contracted COVID-19 and to indemnify and save harmless Tara McKay and Tara McKay High Performance Skating Inc from any and all liability in connection with my participation.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

About Tara


Tara McKay is a member of the team for Gary Roberts High Performance Training (GRHPT).

Tara is the Power Skating Coach for Gary’s off-season training program for ELITE level and PRO players. Learn more.

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